The guiding principle for all checkout design is “keep it simple”.

Every checkout should look simple, be simple to understand and simple to use. If there is one thing every e-commerce website owner should know about the psychology of customers using checkout it is that they sometimes are operating on auto-pilot.

E Commerce website checkouts, therefore, need to be designed so that they can be completed with as little thought as possible – or possibly while multi-tasking (e.g. grabbing a sandwich for lunch, looking busy at work, keeping an eye on the kids).

Here are key areas relating to the checkout process that should be addressed to improve your conversions:

- Isolating the checkout process
- Checkout steps – Ensure that your customer understands the number of steps involved (Try and keep it to a minimum)
- Navigation – Highlight the checkout steps during the process Persistent summary of checkout information – Should be clearly visible at all times
- Avoid loss of information already entered by your customer Stock management & session timing
-Form design; Ensure forms are clearly labeled and if possible keep the form to a single page (utilise JQuery/ Ajax form techniques)
-Form Validation and error-trapping Include clear and highly visible call to action and ‘submit’ buttons
-Re-enforce trust and secure checkout and payment processing