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A good web based Content Management Solution (CMS) means the difference between a static, underachieving website and a dynamic, flexible site that adapts to visitor needs. It converts prospects into Customers and strengthens your brand. But how do you choose amongst the vast array of solutions dominating the internet? The answer lies in ...

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The guiding principle for all checkout design is “keep it simple”. Every checkout should look simple, be simple to understand and simple to use. If there is one thing every e-commerce website owner should know about the psychology of customers using checkout it is that they sometimes are operating on auto-pilot. E Commerce website checkou...

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This post originated on Mashable (http://mashable.com/2011/10/02/website-sales-conversions/) and as we felt that it was so valuable to all business that have ecommerce websites we decide to publish the content here. Here are the top 10 website issues that hinder retail website visitors from converting to customers, according to QuBit’s research: ...

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